top travel experiences can enhance your itinerary.

Top Travel Experiences that Mesmerize the Senses

After traveling around the world for almost 3 decades, I often get asked what my favorite destinations are. I prefer to answer what my top travel experiences are, as these are the days that are set apart for me in memories I will never forget.

Top travel experiences add a unique element to truly encountering your location.  Travel Experiences can range from a cooking lesson in local cuisine to a food tour where you jump from one eating establishment to another, each offering a taste of the location, to seeing everything from a hot air balloon ride. Importantly, top travel experiences allow you to really dig in and BE in the culture or see it from a very unique perspective. Travel experiences are my favorite way to see foreign lands. Finally, in my humble opinion, travel experiences should be part of every travel itinerary.

To read more on how I plan the perfect itinerary and include experiences within them, read here. Additionally, read here to learn how to find the best tour guide for your next experience.

top travel experiences scooters through Saigon Vietnam


Scooter food tour through Saigon, Vietnam

Saigon, Vietnam, Scooter Food Tour

We initially wanted each of our 3 boys to drive their own scooter. Unfortunately, the minimum driving age in Vietnam is 18 and our twins were 16 at the time. So no one was treated differently, I took the option where each scooter had a Vietnamese driver for us. I am very grateful that it worked out this way. The tour was beyond amazing, but I would not have wanted to navigate those streets on my own. We had various stops to try different Vietnamese foods: coffee, Pho, BBQ, and unique fruits. Additionally, we stopped at a few sites along the way, including the Vietnam War Museum. From start to finish, this was an amazing top travel experience. The entire family had a blast! We learned a bit about Vietnamese history and culture and tried their amazing foods. Book Tour Here

Top Ten experience cooking class in Ostuni


Cooking Class in Ostuni

Ostuni Italy, Puglia in my Heart

This cooking lesson far exceeded our expectations. We learned to make Puglia’s famous Orecchiette pasta and Focaccia bread. Two lovely Italian Nonnas guided us through the process. We did everything from making the dough (piano, piano) to shaping the pasta to cooking the focaccia in the pizza oven. As a reward for all of our efforts, we enjoyed a scrumptious meal with this lovely family. Our lesson was on their picturesque property. The best part was actually feeling like we were a part of their family! It is a day we will never forget, as Puglia surely did enter our hearts. We loved it so much that we booked this experience again, for our entire family, for June of 2023. Book Tour Here
Delicious Bologna Food Tour

Bologna, Italy, Delicious Bologna

Is there a word for beyond delicious? There should be. Delicious Bologna is a taste of the best the region has to offer, and that says a lot. From restaurant to restaurant, we sampled the most amazing delicacies from the Emilo region. We learned what makes each so special. From prosciutto to parmesan, pizza to gelato, balsamic vinegar to espresso, we tried it all! On top of all of that, they took us by the best of the historic sights and explained their significance. Ultimately, this was a great way to get our bearings when first entering the city and was beyond an amazing way to see and taste Bologna! Book Tour Here

Top travel experiences Wadi Rum Jordan Sunset Camel Ride


Wadi Rum, Jordan, Sunset Camel Ride

Wadi Rum, Jordan, Sunset Camel Ride

We wanted to enter our Beaudoin tent the more traditional way, on the back of a camel. We were told that the desert sunset was something quite spectacular, so we arranged a one-hour camel ride into the desert. The ride was smooth and easy and we were privileged to see the sand turn from tan to a light rose to a deep burnt orange, all because of how the sun reflects off the desert sand. It was remarkable, awe-inspiring, and jaw-dropping! Tip: take off your polarized sunglasses as much as you can during the trip, as they block out the deep colors the sunset provides! Book Tour Here

Top Travel Experiences Grand Canyon Rafting


Rafting down the Grand Canyon for a week was majestic!

Grand Canyon, AZ, Rafting Down the Rapids

This was a weeklong experience that was not something I personally would have chosen, had it not been for my kids. It was one of those knock-you-off-your-feet surprises for me! By day, we rafted down the Canyon, walked some easy hikes, stopped at magnificent waterfalls, and enjoyed the fun of level 10 rapids. By night, we slept in cots out under the stars (tents were available, but no one choose them as the sky was just so beautiful). For meals, the tour company prepared them for us. We took a plane in and a helicopter out and from beginning to end, this was an amazing journey and something no one in my family will ever forget. Don’t let your aversion to camping stop you from this top travel experience! Book Tour Here

Top Travel Experiences Alma Cave Rappelling in Israel


Alma Cave Rappelling in Israel

Alma Cave, Israel, Rappelling into the Cave.

On our first trip to Israel, my boys were young (10 & 12) and I was concerned about how historically focused everything was. To work out their energy, I scheduled an afternoon where we rappelled down into the Alma Cave and enjoyed the Tarzan rope swing. Again, I was a bit out of my element, but we do crazy things for our children! Everyone enjoyed our adventure and we were able to see scenic Israel in a very different way from all of our other days there. It was not only exciting but also magnificently beautiful. If we go back with the kids again (who are now all adults), we would definitely add in the salt mine cave. Book Tour Here

Top Travel Experiences Prosciutto de Parma Tour


Prosciutto factory Tour

Emilia Region, Italy, Parmesan, Prosciutto, & Balsamic Tour

What a treat for the senses! This was a full-day tour where we started in a parmesan cheese factory (cow pastures included) and learned about and tasted different levels of aged cheeses. Next, was a prosciutto factory, where we observed the different processes and levels of curing each ham goes through. Finally, we ended at a balsamic factory, where we appreciated the different levels of vinegar from $10 a bottle to the special $100 bottle. In between, we enjoyed a lovely lunch at a winery. While it was a long day through the region’s countryside, it was the best way to really experience what makes the area so gastronomically special. Book Tour Here

Top Travel Experiences 4x4 Moab Hell's Revenge


4×4 Moab

Moab, Utah, 4×4 Tour

Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out of my comfort zone, but so glad my kids push me to do things I would never schedule without them in mind. We road through the Hell’s Revenge area, up and down the rocks at speeds I would have never chosen. While I was glad not to be behind the wheel, this will definitely go down as one of my most invigorating experiences worldwide! There is no better way to see Moab than within the confines of a 4×4 Razor! Book Tour Here
ATV Beach Tour Costa Rica

Tamarindo, Costa Rica, ATV Beach Tour

Do you really need a tour of the beach? Well, of course not, but why not experience the joyful fun of traveling from stunning beach to stunning beach on an ATV, seeing nature and culture along the way? This tour was a fun, family-friendly way to cover quite a bit of the Tamarindo area. All ages in our group (17-52) had a blast moving through the Costa Rican Sands of Tamarindo. We got a lay of the land and picked out our favorite beaches to return to. Book Tour Here

Top Travel Experiences Croatia Wave Runner Tour


Croatia Wave Runner Tour

Split, Croatia, Wave Runner Tour

I initially booked this to give us an adrenaline activity to break up our tour days, but what struck me immediately was that THIS was the way to see Split’s extreme beauty. We did have great fun, but I found myself staring off onto the shore, admiring the true beauty of what Split is. All of us (ages 15- 49) relished the great fun of the ocean and our guide was great in getting us around to really enjoy all aspects of the area. Book Tour Here

Don’t limit your travel to just basic sightseeing

Add some spice and uniqueness to your journey by finding top travel experiences for your trip. Be sure to follow my steps to planning the perfect itinerary to help you decide which travel experience is right for your journey. Then, step out of your comfort zone and arrange something special so you can have your own top list of travel experiences to share with others.



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Top Travel Experiences that Mesmerize the Senses

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